Apologies if you're a subscribed fan waiting on the edge of your seat for your daily dose of Griswold adventures but unfortunately wi-fi (that's the internet access thingo Mum) is not available at every place we stay at hence the intermittent posts.
Packed and left Grindelwald and headed
towards Italy this morning. Nicki’s
favourite memory of Switzerland is the Swiss border receding in the rear view
Just your average waterfall over the tunnel. |
Raining and poor weather as we headed
towards the Italian border through the Swiss Alps. Unbelievable rugged scenery as we ascended
the mountains and climbed out of the tree line.
Roads like you’d see in Top Gear with hairpin after hairpin and the clouds and the rain making it even more special. Waterfalls all over the place again and even
snow as we got higher.
Stopped at a place called Sustenpass for a
coffee which was the highest part of the mountains and went
for a short walkabout off road for about an hour.
On the walkabout Harry and Max found some local mountain wildlife that they took by the hand.
Bike with road on the left beyond. |
Went to get back in the car but after
speaking with the lady at the coffee shop and finding out the next 15km were
downhill, and only downhill, I ripped the bike of the back of the car and headed down the mountain
with Nicki following behind. 60km/hr was
the top speed on the bike with an average of about 50kmhr for 15k’s
straight. A huge hoot.
We thought we'd drive to Lake Como (George Clooney holidays here, Nicki had her fingers crossed) and stop the
night in a town called Lecco. Hit our
first major drama of the trip so far by underestimating the popularity of our
next stop. Our tactic of just rocking up
to the tourist office and trying to get accommodation backfired spectacularly as the rooms
listed at the tourist office were miles more expensive than the ones on the
internet. (We had been lulled into a false sense of security by how easy it had been so far.)
Decided to bail out of there and try our
luck in Milan an hour away as we were going to go to the soccer the next day anyway. Told the kids not to worry, it was only 4pm
and we’ll get something "no problem".
it’s dark and we still don’t have a place then we’ll start to worry”.
It's a big city, how hard could it be?
Four hours later and now driving from hotel
to hotel to hotel on a Saturday night, in the city, in the dark, with trams, and vespas, and 4 million cars, on streets as wide as a tootbrush in the ever nimble Grand Kangoo we checked into a 4 star hotel on the outskirts
of Milan for €150 a night blowing the accommodation budget right out of the
Local Swiss one-eyed trouser snakes. Hard to catch. |
Stray observations: Holidaying where George does without a reservation may not be a good idea.
Sustenpass. |