Sunday 2 December 2012

Ottensoos - Nuremberg - Ottensoos

Team Frosty
As we're only a couple of days away from heading home we've slowly started to pack our gear up for the trip home.  Packing my bike was one of the things I wasn't looking forward to it needs to be surgically clean due to the strict quarantine restrictions back in Oz.  Cleaning it is not an overly big drama, cleaning it when it's about minus 4 and there's no hose because the water freezes in it is.  
Team Rudolph

Hunted around and found a bucket and some brushes and did my best to wash it down and scrub it in the icy weather which was an experience.  If you left any part not clean the water you used to wash it with would freeze onto the bike and you'd have to wash it down again taking care to then immediately wipe it off.  

Got it all clean in the end moved the bike lock, stock and barrel into the house and into the bike box. 
Yo Rocky!
We promised the kids we'd go for a play in the snow so we grabbed some little toboggans our host had and headed off blindly in the Grand Kangoo looking for a suitable paddock.  After a 20 minute meander through the countryside we found what looked like a likely suspect and jumped out for some hillside fun.

Had a blast scooting down the hill which was just steep enough to get some good speed up but not too steep to make getting up to the top a major drama.

After about 90 minutes the kids jeans and shoes were soaked through so we headed home for lunch and warm showers.

The Kangoo can go anywhere

In the late afternoon we went into town, first stopping to vacuum the car out as you could probably grow potatoes on the floor,  to visit the markets again as we hadn't seen all of them the night before. 

Walked around browsing the stalls until we got hungry so we headed up to a cheap and cheerful Chinese restaurant we'd found earlier which was terrific as we've been missing our rice and vegies. 




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